
Selected opinion pieces - Academic publications
Msila, V (2022)
(In Press). Higher Education Leadership in a Time of Digital Technologies: A South African Case Study. IJIET.
Msila, V (2022)
Public Service Leadership and Innovation in South Africa. Technium Social Sciences Journal, 33(1):456-467.
Msila, V (2022)
(Accepted). Indima ensha nezinselele zeelimi zomdabu kwinyuvesi yaseAfrika.. Alternation.
Msila, V (2022)
(Accepted). John L. Dube, The Harbinger: Intellectual and Philosopher. Alternation.
Msila, V (2022)
Bringing Africa into New Epistemologies: Rethinking the University in Africa. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, 10 (3): 29-37.
Msila, V (2022)
Reimagining Social Justice: Epistemic Freedom and the Marginalised Roles of Research Assistants in Knowledge Generation. International Journal of Community Diversity, 22 (1): 23-36.
Msila, V (2022)
Poetry as Private Good: Reading Mxolisi Nyezwa’s Song Trials and Malikhanye, The International Journal of Literary Humanities: 20 (1):141-156.
Msila, V (2022)
Teacher Unions, Schools and Success: Opportunities and Contradictions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 21(3): 94-211.
Msila, V (2022)
Black Women School Leaders: Creating Effective Schools against the Odds. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 11(1) :1-23. doi: 10.17583/generos.8925
Msila, V (2022)
Indigenous Feminism and Black Women Leaders. Sociology and Anthropology, 9 (4):42-51. doi: 10:13189/sa.2021.090402
Msila, V (2022)
(Under review). On Relevance, Decolonisation and Community Engagement: The Role of University Intellectuals. SAJHE/USAf/CHE
Msila, V (2022)
(Under review). Khomeini and Mandela’s Views on Education. Iranian Journal of Comparative Education.
Msila, V (2021)
Student Teachers, Professional Development and Effectiveness: The Role of Resilience in Enhancing the Culture of Learning and Teaching. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 9(10): 1794-1804
Msila, V (2021)
Rural School Managers and Management Challenges in a Time of the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Msila, V (2021)
Proceedings of EDULEARN Conference 5th to 6th July 2021.Valencia, Spain.
Msila, V (2021)
Digitalization and Decolonizing Education: A Qualitative Study of University of South Africa (UNISA) Leadership. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 11 (11): 553-560.
Msila, V (2021)
Entrenching the Soul of a University in Africa: A Search for a Liberating African Institution. International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities & Nations. 22 (1): 1-15. doi:10.18848/2327-0020/CGP/v22i01/1-15.
Msila, V (2021)
Rethinking Education Leadership through Self-Reflection: Examining the TURNS Model. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership, 6(3): 662-690.
Msila, V (2021)
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, S, J. & Msila, V. (2021). On Decolonising Knowledge, Pedagogy and Methodology in Africa. Méthod(e)s: African Review of Social Science Methodology: 23-46.
Msila, V (2021)
Revisiting Teacher Leadership: A Study of Four Schools. Africa Education Review. https:// 10.1080/18146627.2021.1954535
Msila, V (2021)
Revisiting Robert Axelrod: Cooperation, School Management and Teacher Unions. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(4):
Msila, V (2021)
The Students’ Challenges and Opportunities in Learning isiZulu at a South African Higher Education Institution. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies, 16 (10):29-46.
Msila, V (2020)
Heutagogy and Teaching: Towards Liberatory Methods. The International Journal of Humanities Education, 18(1): 1-18.
Msila, V (2020)
Searching for Effective People-Centered Leadership Approaches in Schools: Voices of South African Teachers on Spiritual Leadership. International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 10(2): 1-14.
Msila, V (2019)
Rethinking Babylon: The Language Dilemma and The Search for Social Justice in Africa. English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies, 36(1): 100-112.
Msila, V (2019)
From Epistemic Violence to a Transformed Institution: University of South Africa’s Change Management Unit’s Endeavours to Traverse Transformation Paths. INTED2019 Proceedings, -14, Spain 11 – 13 March. doi: 10.21125/inted.2019.0376.
Msila, V (2019)
School Managers and Conflict Management: A Case Study of a South African Primary School. The International Journal of Organizational Diversity, 19(1):63-75.
Msila, V (2019)
Conflict Management and Transformation’s Impact on School Progress: A Case Study of Two Schools. The International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership 26 (2): 57-71.
Msila, V (2019)
Social Justice, Youth Involvement and Africa’s Growth. The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, 14(3):51-64.
Msila, V (2019)
School Leaders and the Pursuit of Effectiveness: Envisioning Schools that Endure Change. EDULEARN19 Proceedings. International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1-3 July, Palma, Spain. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.0629. pp.2314-2320.
Msila, V., & Matjila, L. (2017)
The Management of Democratic Elections in Africa (MDEA) Programme at the University of South Africa: Is this the right path towards African solutions?, International Journal of African Renaissance Studies - Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity, 12(1): 76-90.
Msila, V (2017)
Leaving a Sinking Ship: School Principals in Flight. Africa Education Review. [Online] Available at:
Msila, V (2016)
The Struggle to Improve Schools: Voices of South African Teacher Mentors. Education Management, Administration and Leadership, 44(6): 936-950.
Msila, V (2014)
Teacher Unionism, School Management and Leadership: A Study of (Eastern Cape) Schools in South Africa. Education, Management, Administration and Leadership, 42(2): 259-274.
Msila, V (2013)
Reliving South Africa’s Apartheid History in a Classroom: Using Vuyisile Mini’s Protest Songs. Creative Education, 4, 12B: 51-57.
Msila, V (2013)
Democratic Education Through the Eyes of the Poor: Appraising the Post-apartheid Experience in South Africa. Universal Journal of Education Research, 1 (3): 191-199.
Msila, V (2013)
Stephen Biko’s Philosophy and its Pedagogical Implications in South Africa. Creative Education, 4 (8):492-496.
Msila, V (2013)
The Liberatory Function of a Museum: The Case of New Brighton's Red Location Museum. The Anthropologist, 15 (2), 209-218.
Msila, V (2012)
Autobiographical Narrative in a Language Classroom: A Case Study in a South African School. Language and Education, 26 (3):233- 244.
Msila, V (2011)
The teacher as leader: The challenge of diverse classrooms. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(1):101-110.
Msila, V (2011)
School Management and the Struggle for Effective Schools. Africa Education Review, 8(3):434449.
Msila, V (2011)
School Choice – as if Learners Matter: Black African Learners’ Views on Choosing Schools in South Africa. Mevlana International Journal of Education, 1(1):1-14.
Msila, V (2011)
“Mama does not speak that (language) to me”: Indigenous Languages, Educational Opportunity and Black African Preschoolers. South African Journal of Childhood Education, 1(1): 48-67.
Msila, V (2010)
Rural School Principals’ Quest for Effectiveness: Lessons from the Field. Journal of Education, 48: 169-189.
Msila, V (2010)
In Search of Scholarship: Knowledge Management and Transformation in South African Higher Education Institutions. Journal of World Universities Forum. 3 (3):57-66.
Msila, V (2009)
School Choice and Intra-township Migration: Black Parents Scrambling for Quality Education in South Africa. Journal of Education, 46: 81-98.
Msila, V (2009)
Africanisation of Education and the Search for Relevance and Context. Education Research and Reviews (June): 310-315.
Msila, V (2009)
School Choice and intra-township migration: Black parents scrambling for quality education in South Africa. Journal of Education, 46: 81-98
Msila, V (2008)
Ubuntu and School Leadership. Journal of Education. 44:67-84.
Msila, V (2007)
The impact of social capital upon the school’s general success. Education as Change, 11(1): 125-142
Msila, V (2007)
From apartheid education to the Revised National Curriculum Statement: Pedagogy for identity formation in South Africa. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 16(2):146-160.
Msila, V (2006)
Massification: Preparing faculty for open learning systems. Progressio, 28 (1&2): 82-95.
Msila, V (2005)
The Education Exodus: The flight from township schools. Africa Education Review, 2 (2): 173-188.